- Don’t price your work too low. If you don’t value it, why should a potential buyer?
- Do NOT price your work according to emotion. Price according to size.
- Only sell your best work. Initially, because you’re trying to establish a reputation and later on because you’re trying to maintain it.
- If you want to include a painting in an exhibition because of it’s one of your best but don’t really want to sell it, don’t be tempted to price it high in the hope it won’t.
- Don’t undercut the price set in a gallery through a later private sale. You risk alienating the gallery owner who displayed your work in the first place.
Compare your prices with the works of other artists.
- Look at your final price and compare it again with local prices. Is it realistic given the market and your reputation? You can always increase your prices next time.
- Getting a painting to the stage where you’re satisfied with it is hard, but putting a price to it can be even harder.
- Under-price yourself and you may make your art look worthless, as well as lose money rather than make it.
- Overprice yourself and you risk never selling anything. How you decide to approach it depends somewhat on your personality, experience, and stage your art career is at.
The straight-forward approach. Standard sizes determine the price.
- All paintings that are the same size all have the same price tag, regardless of the subject, how long it you to finish it,or how much you happen to like it.
- Your price list set out by size, with an additional set premium for commissioned paintings over finished paintings.
A Mathematical Method. Area Price Calculation
- You decide on a price for a square inch (or centimeter), then multiple the area of a painting by this, then round it up to a sensible figure.
- Most people will use a calculator for this approach, but if you can do it with mental arithmetic then you never have worry about it.
Recipe for the Price Formula
- Multiply the painting’s width by its length to arrive at the total size, in square inches / centimeter.
- Then multiply that number by a set Dollar/ Rand amount that’s appropriate for your expertise and time in the market.
- Then calculate your cost of canvas and materials used. (ex R1000.00)
- Double that number.
- I price my oil paintings at R0.90 per square cm.
- Then I put it all together: R13500.00 + R2000 = R15500.00 (the Artist Cut).
- Any gallery will add 50% on top of that price plus Vat.
- The client will then pay R31000.00 plus Vat.
- 100 cm x 150 cm = 15000 square cm
- 15000 x R0.90 = R13500.00
- R1000.00 for canvass
- R1000.00 x 2 = R2000.00
- R0.90 per square cm
- R13500 + R20000 = R15500.00 Artist Price
- R15500 + 50% = R31000.00 Gallery Price
Cinamatic Art
The film follows the life of a middle-aged housekeeper, Séraphine Louis, who has a remarkable talent for painting.
Untaught and following what she regards as religious inspiration she finds great appreciation in the beauty found in nature, especially her daily walks to work where she proudly and humbly stops to gaze at trees. In the beginning, it is noted that she stops to collect soil from plants as well as some blood from a dead pig. Later, in her small home lit by candles, she is seen using these same ingredients while creating her art. At one point when her art begins to be seen, she is asked how she achieves the unusual effect in her “rouge” (reds). She replies that she prefers to keep that a secret.
Uhde, a noted art critic, encounters her first as a housekeeper and then sees one of her paintings, which he regards as very promising. Séraphine feels she is just a housekeeper and no one will take her seriously, but Uhde firmly assures her she has a talent and that he will look after her and promote her work. He kindly tells her to follow her gift, but he is a German and has to flee France and leave Séraphine when the 1914 war begins. However, she continues to do her paintings. In 1927, Uhde encounters Séraphine again and considers her work to have greatly improved. He begins buying her pictures and encouraging her to do nothing but paint, giving her a generous monthly stipend. But prosperity upsets the woman’s balance; she buys an expensive bridal gown even though she has no suitor, and claims to have received an important message from the angels. As the Great Depression gets underway, Uhde can no longer sell her paintings and is forced to disappoint Séraphine, who has begun to regard herself as a woman of means. She is mentally affected by the setback.
After she rouses the town while wearing her bridal gown, she is put into a lunatic asylum and eventually stops painting. Uhde visits but is advised not to make contact since this would deeply upset her, even to be told that he has finally sold some of her artworks. He decides to care for her well-being and secures her a room in the institution which enables her to go outside, where she begins to enjoy the beauties of nature again. It is revealed that she died in 1942 and that her art became famous and respected.
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